Because This Never Gets Old: More Ashton And Demi Peacemaking Videos

We're thrilled to bring you yet more footage from the Ashton Kutcher/Demi Moore joint project no one wanted, He's Just Not That Into the Neighbors' Banging—sort of What Happens in Vegas meets Deck the Halls.
Sensing that the narrative required a redemptive climax—perhaps set to a soul-stirring Peter Gabriel classic—Kutcher took a clue from the Cusackian playbook, and held aloft a sign for the besmirched construction workers next door as "In Your Eyes" blasted through his deck speakers. (It's unfortunately illegible, but we like to imagine it reads, "IM SORRY I CALLED YOU OWL FECES.") Then he and Demi throw them Vitamin Waters, the camera cutting off seconds after a Power-C Dragonfruit bonks one on the head and sends him tumbling three floors to a gruesome death. Oh well. It's the thought that counts.