Kellogg, in the most boneheaded move in the entire history of all celebrity endorsements ever, is dumping Michael Phelps over his pot photo. Has any brand ever been more out of touch with its customers?

Granted, Phelps hasn't been the best spokesman for Kellogg. When CNN anchorhottie Anderson Cooper raided Phelps's pantry in the course of an interview, he found Honey Nut Cheerios, not Kellogg's Cornflakes. "Michael's most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg," sniffed a Kellogg spokeswoman. "His contract expires at the end of February and we have made a decision not to extend his contract." Hello? This is the best possible recommendation one can make for breakfast cereal, the favored foodstuff of THC-induced munchies victims everywhere.

Update: Michael Phelps Suspended by USA Swimming, Loses Allowance

(Photoillustration by Jackson West)