The mediacentric Greenwich Village private high school backed by Graydon Carter and John Leguizamo—well, but it's having some problems. Have heartless celebrities given up on educating downtown's most elite teenagers? Someone save the youth!

Andrea Peyser to the rescue! And by "rescue," we mean that the Post's snarling-est columnist has now milked this school for two columns; the first, to say what a bunch of terrible snobs everyone involved is; and the second, today, to crow over its impending doom. Which the school people told her all about!

But abruptly, late last week, plans for the school, scheduled to cost an eye-popping $34,729 a year - down to $1,000 for what a Web site snarkily called the "token poor" - were abandoned indefinitely.

Officials pulled the plug after a "huge chunk" of funds promised by donors never materialized, and probably never will, Vanity Fair deputy editor Aimee Bell, co-president of the school's board of trustees, told me.

Sad that these kids will now have to skip high school and go straight to work as bootblack apprentices, but that's the way of the world these days. Or could this be a blessing in disguise? The children rejected from this school may now find an opportunity to rise from their humble beginnings as the sons and daughters of West Village fashion editors to become...astronauts. They never would have had that chance had Graydon Carter got hold of them:

An advisory board was assembled featuring New School head and former senator Bob Kerrey. The program was heavy on "collaboration" - but it frowned on the thing that put us on the moon: competition.