It's truly a weekend for embarrassing apologies: Now Alex Rodriguez is sorry for calling that Sports Illustrated reporter a stalky burglar. His apology was buried even better than Chris Brown's.

Like Brown, A-Rod saw news of his culpability leaked into the middle of President's Day weekend. But the Yankee slugger's apology was even more obscure, since he didn't release a statement.

News that Rodriguez apologized to SI's Selena Roberts was slipped into the middle of CNN's Reliable Sources as an anonymously-sourced scoop by host Howard Kurtz. How many people do you think were watching when Krutz said this earlier today:

KURTZ: Well, you know, Selena Roberts, who's a former "New York Times" reporter, I am told — and I can report this exclusively — that after that interview Alex Rodriguez called her to apologize.

But let's face it, Gregg, he's never had a great relationship with the press. Many journalists kind of resent him and view him as arrogant.

Not many. Which maybe is the point?

Rodriguez, in case you forgot, accused Roberts, on ESPN no less, of breaking into his home, being thrown out of his apartment and being cited for trespassing at the University of Miami. Roberts immediately denied everything and her editors backed her.

Roberts might have a decent libel suit on her hands, but suing would overshadow the book she's working on about the athlete, and hugely complicate her ability to cover him for SI. So she'll probably just accept the apology, and maybe leak word of it to, say, Howard Kurtz.