A picture deal may be all that stands between octo-mom and a foreclosure,just as a clue from daughter Bee is all that stood between Anna Wintour and a new Katy Perry album.

  • The ocuplet mom, apparently the worst planner in the world, lives at her mom's home, which has had a defaulted mortgage for 10 months and is in danger of being foreclosed upon. Maybe that's why the two moms sold exclusive pictures to Us Weekly through a photo agency. Oprah Winfrey must not be paying anyone, because she only landed octo-mom's divorced dad.
  • OK, Anna Wintour is slightly adorable when talking to her daughter Bee: ""Who is the singer that talks about kissing girls?" [Page Six]
  • Sales of Rihanna's 2007 album Good Girl Gone Bad are up 33 percent in the wake of the reported attack on her by Chris Brown. Sigh. [E!]
  • Prince was maybe going to ask for a correction on those false rumors he was having an Oscar party. Then Marion Cotillard RSVPed. And Prince so wants to see her slideshow about how Americans and Brits conspired to fake the 9/11 attacks and then smear her in the press.
  • If Heath Ledger wins an Oscar for Dark Knight, the statuette will go into a trust for his three-year-old daughter. She will get it when she's 18, provided she signs an agreement that basically keeps her from re-selling it. [Telegraph]
  • When Jennifer Aniston maybe encounters Angelina Jolie for the first time, face to face, she will be armed with John Mayer. And probably some stories about how fun it is not being a parent. [Daily Star]
  • After being called "simply too heavy" for Fashion Week catwalks, model Heidi Klum attended a show with tubby producer Harvey Weinstein. That's one way to make a statement about double gender standards on weight. [First Post]
  • Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart just did all the paperwork for marriage. Everyone else is like, "email us when you finally, finally pull the trigger." [Cindy Adams]