Barack Obama's people might throw East Coast media elite parties at the Four Seasons, but they totally make up for it with that penny-pinching cabinet member from Kansas.

  • The White House decorator and socialite social secretary Desiree Rogers (pictured) threw a lunch at the Four Seasons to hobnob with some New York media bigshots. Who paid? Is there a right answer to that question?
  • Barack Obama's "confidante" swears the president has his BlackBerry videogame habit under control. He can quit playing "BrickBreaker" any time he wants. [Star]
  • The president's top pick to head the Department Health and Human Services constantly returns things after wearing them once. And we're going to trust this monster with out childrens' lives?? [P6]
  • Madonna is planning to bring Brazilian model Jesus Luz to the Oscars. [OK!]
  • Angelina Jolie might run into Jennifer Aniston at the Oscars, so she wants to spend $20 million on a diamond necklace. High-end jewelers are whiny about this, since they can afford to be, in this booming economy. [OK!]
  • The father of Nadya Suleman's first six babies apparently can't figure out when he himself was born. [Us]
  • Bruce Wasserstein, the Lazard chief and New York magazine owner, had a baby between his third and fourth wives with a woman he reportedly promised to help get pregnant. But he must have eventually promised a bit more because now he's involved with raising the child. [P6]
  • Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are maybe in a big not-talking-or-being-at-the-same-ridiculous-party-together fight. [Gatecrasher]