Heroic bong-fighting Sheriff Leon Lott, who made Richland County, South Carolina safe from Olympic champion Michael Phelps and his criminal associates, had a little fun down at the ol' Rotary Club yesterday!

You can never accuse Sheriff Leon Lott of not being able to ridicule the dopers!

So Monday, Lott took a few of those minutes - to ridicule the comedians, dopers and pundits who lampooned his probe of the gold medalist, shown in a newspaper photo with a marijuana bong at a Columbia party...

Despite talk of marijuana being harmless, he said, it can lead to other drugs and wasted lives. His best school friend began smoking it, became a trafficker and is dead, he said.

"Don't give that b.s., ‘it doesn't hurt anybody,' 'cause it does."

The local paper has a video but that photo really says it all. [The State via Inside Charm City]