Conservatives were already going to attack the president's chosen drug czar as a hippie, given how he enforced the law in Seattle. Now they have his stepson's fresh arrest as ammunition.

Barack Obama is widely expected to appoint as drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, who as Seattle police chief focused on intervention and treatment over arrests for drug possession.

The appointment requires senate confirmation, and therein lies a potential hitch: Kerlikowske's stepson Jeffrey has a lengthy rap sheet that includes arrests for marijuana possession and distribution, to say nothing of felony battery, assault with a deadly weapon and cruelty to animals. (As the Huffington Post's Lee Stranahan notes, this echoes the plot of the movie Traffic; see clip above.)

This history was enough of a headache for the administration when the most recent arrest was eight months ago, but now things are worse: Jeffrey was picked up Friday for violating his probation, according to Joseph Culligan's

Our reefer-friendly attorney general is already lighting up a war on the War on Drugs, but dude: This is still a major bummer.