Did Married CNN Analyst Get Competitor's Daughter Pregnant?

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin reportedly "crossed the line" with Casey Greenfield, daughter of a CBS reporter. Columnists Rush & Molloy don't give details, but one can speculate from what they omit: Greenfield is pregnant.
Toobin, 13 years Greenfield's senior, is still married (with children) to Amy McIntosh.
Toobin declined to talk to the Daily News about his relationship with Greenfield, as did Greenfield herself. Their refusal to speak is sure to arch eyebrows.
Given Greenfield's advanced pregnancy, which she tracks on her Facebook profile, Rush & Molloy surely knew what their item was implying: Toobin is the father of Greenfield's child.
Greenfield, incidentally, is the daughter of CBS political correspondent Jeff Greenfield. The "brilliant and beautiful" Yale-trained lawyer has seen her 2004 marriage to an LA screenwriter dissolve, Rush & Molloy wrote.

At least now we have a clue as to why Toobin might have been working Facebook when he was supposed to be covering a a presidential debate. Double lives can be time-consuming.