I dunno. I think I prefer a bacon-encased sausage log to the abilities of James Franco.
I feel sorry for the writing professor who has to have someone with a book contract in her class. PROF: "This story needs work." STUDENT: "My editor is happy with it the way it is."
@a boy and his dog: Completely agree. This girl in my class in high school used to write all this weird, non-sensical crap, and our English teacher would totally call her on it when she read her stuff out loud. Now the girl has a book deal (actually, also with Scribner) and I can't help but think that she probably wants to call up that teacher and shove it in her face.
what a prat.
yeah he's cute, but i get the sense he's the type of guy who would force-feed you his poetry and then mope when you didn't swoon over his brilliance.
Ugh, so dreamy...and who is that chick, STEP OFF, BITCH!