Shepard Fairey is America's darling, ever since that Obama 'HOPE' poster. The AP looked like jerks when they complained about him stealing their photo. But! Fairey will sue your ass for stealing his brand, quick.

See, if you try to sell anything featuring the word "Obey" you are totally stealing from Shepard Fairey, and he will instruct his attorneys to send you a threatening cease and desist letter, because he keeps shit real like that. Some guy in Pittsburgh sells little baby Steeler mascots with the phrase "Obey Steeler Baby." Shepard Fairey demands that he stop infringing on his trademark, which he originally made famous by ripping off the image of Andre the Giant!

The notice came as a surprise to [the Steelerbaby artist]. For one thing, he says, Steelerbaby's line didn't pose much of a threat to Fairey. According to, Werner had made less than $70 in the previous three months for the sale of 16 items, 10 of which had "Obey" written on them.

You owe Shepard Fairey and his corporate structure upwards of $40, sir. As soon as Shepard Fairey receives restitution for this outrage he plans to give all proceeds from that HOPE poster to the AP, then divide the rest of his life's earnings amongst the various makers of communist propaganda art and clip-art from which he took his entire style. Oh, no he doesn't. [Pittsburgh City Paper]