Victory For Octo-Mom

Well, things sure came together for Nadya Suleman today: Octo-Mom suddenly has a big house for her 14 kids, around-the-clock child care valued at $135,000-per-month and she gets to keep her reality show.
Not bad for a single mom on food stamps.
The house was technically bought by Suleman's dad, but TMZ reports the down payment came from a series of recent five-figure deals tied to Nadya — "$15,000 here, $25,000 there," presumably in photo, video and media-access transactions.
As for the child care, that came together after Suleman agreed to go on daytime TV show "Dr. Phil." Host Phil McGraw arranged for a lawyer to smooth over problems between Suleman and a nonprofit that wanted to provide her with "around-the-clock services of skilled neonatal intensive care nurses."
The hitch? Suleman is doing a reality show, and the nonprofit wouldn't allow cameras, so Suleman naturally turned them down. The nonprofit, Angels is Waiting, estimated it would cost of $135,000 per month just to care for Suleman's octuplets, so the mom was rejecting a $1.1 million-per-year child care offer.
But now she gets the child care, the reality show and a house even though America pretty much still hates her. This despite having burned through two publicists and one prospective agent. Who says you need a flack to exploit the media?
(Pic: INF)