The Web at 20: Not Quite Old Enough to Drink, Yet Drives Us to It

Dear important scientist Tim Berners-Lee: Thank you for inventing the World Wide Web 20 years ago. It's really great and stuff! But were you aware of the crimes committed in your name?
Not that we blame Berners-Lee for these things ... okay, okay, we do. The 20 worst things about the World Wide Web:
- 1. Julia Allison
- 2. Twitter
- 3. Jason Calacanis
- 4. Wikipedia
- 5. Henry Blodget
- 6. Dave Winer
- 7. Blogs
- 8. Dead newspapers everywhere
- 9. Congressman Jared Polis
- 10. Robert Scoble
- 11. The sock puppet, and Michael Ian Black's subsequent career
- 12. Digg
- 13. Perez Hilton
- 14. /b/
- 15. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales's love life
- 16. Oversharing
- 17. Mark Zuckerberg
- 18. Chris Crocker
- 19. Internet commenters
- 20. Kevin Rose
We realize they weren't in your original spec, Timbo, but you should have anticipated them. Really.