New York's Most Vapid Feud May Be Escalating

Socialgay publicist Kristian Laliberte may or may not be locked in a feud with "rival" fauxcialites. If so, it may or may not be escalating! Kristian's calling people out; and a (fake?) Manhunt profile's emerged:
A recap of this Most Vapid Feud of Our Time:
1. A ridiculous ad is posted on Craigslist seeking interns for Adrien Field and Alexandra Alexis, two vapid fauxcialites.
2. Adrien Field says the ad was fake; a tipster speculates that Kristian Laliberte put it up to make them look stupid, which he denies.
3. Kristian has now written an article for a social networking site for vapid richies, calling out his least favorite fauxcialites. No trace of irony here.
4. We're forwarded this screen grab from an alleged Laliberte Manhunt account, which has allegedly been going around. Kristian tells us, "I have no idea what this is."
Maybe it's a plant by one of his myriad rivals for the crown, another blow in an ongoing fauxcialite feud! Who knows. Hey, let's all play the quiet game!