Your Press Release of the Day adeptly communicates the fact that fine cigars are all about taste. The taste of Monica Lewinsky's pussy, yea!

MYSTERY SOLVED: Several inside sources have finally confirmed that [Brand of cigars with bad publicists] was indeed the cigar that was used between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton.

In light of the HBO movie that is going into production with Dennis Quaid and Julianne Moore titled "Special Relationship" featuring the love (or lack thereof) trio between Bill, Hill and Mon, the mystery of the century has finally been solved!

Among all of the scandal, blue dresses and SNL skits mocking Ken Starr, Linda Tripp and all the main character seemed to be on the tip of everyone's tongue...the token oval office cigar. For years people have speculated about what cigar Bill and Monica "smoked" that fateful day and it has finally been released.

Bill Clinton would not smoke anything short of the best-of-the-best thus why he kept several [nasty] Cigars, producers of the most expensive cigars in the world, around his office for special occasions. Several inside sources have finally confirmed that [gross] Cigars was indeed the cigar that was used between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. It was in fact the [specific type of tasteless] Cigar, which has been reported to be one of Bill Clinton's favorite stogies!

This press release is predictably brought to you by 5WPR.