Mel Gibson 'Mistress' Silenced

The spring has everyone lovestruck: Freida Pinto hooked up with a Slumdog co-star, Lindsay Lohan yearned for Samantha Ronson and Condoleeza Rice had a non-date date with a musician.
- Mel Gibson's self-described Russian lover was silenced by the movie star's lawyers, who are supposedly worried her loud gabbing will help Gibson's soon-to-be-ex wife grab more than the $480 million she's already set to walk off with. "No one has the right to speak about this... it's not normal," the singer said of Gibson's marriage. At the press conference she called, to discuss when she can next discuss her affair. [Sun]
- Lindsay Lohan is still pining for the good old days with Samantha Ronson, when the couple's screaming matches were frequent enough to be used as the preferred inter-nightclub navigation system for DJs and waitstaff. "We'll see what happens," she told Ellen DeGeneres. "Maybe when we're fully in the right place… and I love her." In the meantime, there's always that British photographer, mentioned Monday in Page Six and Tuesday in Life & Style.
- After losing her nerve and blowing her chance to talk to obvious longtime crush Tiger Woods on the golf course the other week, Condoleeza Rice impulsively arranged a dinner with Randy Jackson when she was in Los Angeles. The married pianist and America Idol judge was "mystified" but went anyway, leaving Rice "absolutely intrigued." But only in an totally innocent sense having to do with how Jackson handles his instrument. [Us]
- About a year ago this time, crazy Britney Spears was constantly half naked, sick to her stomach and heavily disoriented. Since then she's cleaned up her life, turned herself around and embarked on a tour where she's constantly half-naked, sick to her stomach and heavily disoriented. [Mirror]
- Freida Pinto was seen kissing her Slumdog Millionaire co-star Dev Patel, who she recently insisted she was "not dating" after he visited on the set of her new movie in Israel. He's 18, she's 24. [Daily Star]