Look, it's your friend the Hipster Grifter, Kari Ferrell, speaking from the heart! Bucky Turco at Animal NY convinced her to come out of hiding and speak to you, the fans. She wants money.

Amazingly Kari segues right from the perfunctory apology into demanding that Vice send her her last paycheck. Hopefully that was a joke? Can't quite tell.

Regarding her claim that the Observer didn't contact her for its story, Doree Shafrir tells us, "I called and emailed twice, once through her gmail and once through myspace. Trust me, I wanted to talk to her for the story." Kari, you have to answer your emails promptly! Please, for the sake of everyone. [Particularly our emails].

Also check out Animal's photo shoot with Kari. Samurai swords are involved.

So anyhow this proves she's still hanging out in Brooklyn. To all you people who haven't spotted her even once in the last two weeks: shame on you. She should be getting autograph requests in the Barcade bathroom by now.
[Animal NY]