Breaking police radio news: "Queens. Loose cow. 103 Precinct. 109 Avenue. E.S.U. reporting a loose cow at the location." Call the horse cops!

Yes, New York's mounted police were finally good for something other than impressing Chelsea residents today when they were called in to corral a cow that made a break from a slaughterhouse in Jamaica. This provides an excuse for every metro reporter in the New York area to have a bit of fun:

That there are slaughterhouses in New York City - where a cow could escape -– was a bit of collateral trivia in a story where the animal itself was stealing the narrative. Important points were unknown: What is the cow's name? Is it hog or heifer? Did its romping trough the streets mean it would get a reprieve from the gallows of the slaughterhouse?

Or was it just a fanciful flight on a spring day at a moment when the heavens opened for some sun, for just a moment? A brief and bittersweet gallop and negotiation with some officers before it was back to its original fate?

The police were investigating.

Specially trained officers "contained" the cow in a yard and led it to custody in a police trailer. It will be executed, then memorialized with some sort of pun in tomorrow's Post delivered to the ASPCA! Hooray cow! A heart-warming end to this amazing tale of true crime on the mean streets! We can't wait for the Law & Order episode!