Joe the Plumber Is an Independent Douchebag

Joe the Plumber divorced the GOP this week, because he is in love with unwarranted attention. We should send him to Israel permanently, he could take down Likud in a month. [HuffPo]
Joe the Plumber divorced the GOP this week, because he is in love with unwarranted attention. We should send him to Israel permanently, he could take down Likud in a month. [HuffPo]
Are we still using "douchebag"? I was always partial to "asshat".
@depardoo: assbag is a good compromise, althouguh douchehat has potential.
@lobstr: i like both.
@lobstr: assbag - as in colostomy?
@depardoo: While asshat is always a classic, my new favorite is douchesaurus rex. A new ring for the drab old douchebag.
And "queers". Stay away from Joe's children, while you're at it.
@Banjo-Sea Kitten: I love how his example of a slur is 'honky.' Yeah, white people have it real bad Joe.
Also, I can't fucking stand how people portray us geighs as a threat to children - WTF!? I like MEN, not children. It really pisses me off.
Or are they just afraid we're going to convert them by being so effing fabulous!?
@Banjo-Sea Kitten: His hypothetical children, that is.
let's just say that there are religious, otherwise reasonable, lovable, Democrat-voting people in my family who think that if their children are exposed to gay people early on, this might "confuse" said children and possibly veer them away from the hetero lifestyle.
And yes, the fabulousness. Please tone it down.
@RheaPollstry: he has a son, I believe.
I don't think it's derogatory to call this fucknuts a retard. After all, "retard" is in the dictionary.
@Mediahohoho: It's actually an insult to retards.
On the other hand, "fucknuts" IS in the Urban Dictionary ([]). Does that make it even MORE derogatory than if it just didn't exist anywhere?
Beyond that I think we're all aware that the "Joe the Plumber" phenomenon was a GOP stunt to help McCain appear deeply connected to the common working folk. I'm sure they all have as hard a time remembering how many houses they own. ([])
@ChillbearLatrigue: Is it really an insult if they don't know it?
@sample032: oh they know it.
I'm open to the possibility that he's just after attention, but there's plenty of merit to his complaint that the GOP is complacent with congress's overspending.
@sample032: I don't know...those seem like mighty big words for him. Something tells me someone's feeding him talking points.
@Hydroceph: Reread it. There were no direct quotes.
@sample032: No. He is a moron who wants the attention. The whole reason he became famous in the first place is because he was an "independent voter" trying to decide between McCain and Obama — lying then and lying now.
I tried reading the [] story that Banjo-Sea Kitten recommended, but I wanted to scream at my computer after every sentence. He is an ignorant, intellectually stunted member of the base. Funny, Joe, smart members of the Republican Party are actually distancing themselves from you right now.