Look At This Fucking Hipster is a very popular website. The site's writer is a good friend of mine, and though he'd rather stay anonymous, he agreed to answer some questions.

The first post went up just over five weeks ago, and since then the creator has kept up a steady stream of photos and the occasional video of hipsters/scenesters/indie kids/whatever trying really hard and looking like idiots alongside his own biting commentary. In this interview, he talks about the braindead emails he receives and why the site probably won't make him rich.

How does it feel to be an exciting new Internet sensation? It feels wonderful! My cup runneth over (with feces, that two women then start eating). No, in all honesty, it feels dumb. Really, really dumb.

What prompted you to start the site? At first, I wanted to help my dad start a blog called "IsThatAHipster?.com" Because, when he visits me in Williamsburg, that's literally what he says anytime a person walks by. But since he's old and doesn't know what a blog is, I decided to do this instead.

Do you actually hate hipsters? Quick follow up: what the fuck is a hipster? Are you one? I don't hate hipsters. Not at all. I just find them to be wildly fascinating. And if that sounds condescending, that's because yes, I am being condescending. Obviously. But I do think condescension comes from a gentler place, don't you? In fact, I think its weird how much other people seem to hate hipsters. For example, I'll occasionally post a YouTube of some terrible hipster band's music video. You should read the comments people leave on those videos after visiting my site. Some of them are like, "DIE HIPSTER! I WANT TO SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE!" What? No! How about you get shot in the face? I didn't intend for this to be some kind of hate crime website. Look at This Fucking Hipster is about laughing at clowns for being clowns. That's all.

The only hipsters I hate are the motherfuckers who write quasi-intellectual hate email to me. I get so many messages that are like, "Fuck you, man. You're the hipster...You're using a false term to describe something that's just a social construct." Okay, I get it, you went to college. What do you want from me? A grade? You want me to grade your email? 'F' There. You get an F. Go away. Everyone went to college.

Am I a hipster? I don't think so. I mean, I like MGMT a lot. But I'd never go to one of their shows.

It seems pretty clear that the people who love the site most are the same people it's mocking. Do you feel embarrassed for everyone involved? Yes. Especially the four people who actually bought t-shirts.

What do you think of the comparisons between LATFH and Vice's Dos and Don'ts? Oops! I forgot that Vice magazine held a patent for making fun of idiots. I should probably stop.

What's your favorite band? Tinted Windows

Getting rights to publish photos probably makes a book hard. What happens now? Yeah, with all the legal issues involved, I don't see a LATFH book happening. Which is too bad, I bet a ton of people would have wanted a book full of content they can already get for free online. You know, like that best-selling IMDB book.

Have better questions than mine? Well, too bad. I am sorry I am not as talented as you.

Interview conducted, condensed, and edited by Deborah Solomon.