Budding Gay Porn Star Suspended From School

John Gechter—though our readers might well know him better as "Vincent DeSalvo"—received a one-year suspension from Grove City College for starring in one little gay porn movie.
Well, maybe "a couple years" worth of gay porn films. See, Grove City College is a Christian college out in Amish country or something, and school officials say Gechtner should've known that gay porn "exhibited behavior contrary to the values" of Grove City College.
And he probably should've know that! This is a school so strict that our former Valleywag Nick Douglas was once suspended for drinking a beer! They suspend for unfilmed heterosexual sex!
But, you know, this kid's taking his story to the ACLU, so there should be some terribly exciting lawsuits on the way!
This is the real outrage, though:
Twenty-two-year-old John Gechter, of Philadelphia, was suspended for one year pending appeal from Grove City College after a student saw him last month in a video posted online.
Oh, really? Has this other student been suspended? Whoops, I just spotted a classmate in some gay porn I accidentally watched online!
Hey, there are NSFW photos of our friend Vincent at Fleshbot. V v NSFW photos.