Will Kanye and Rihanna Be the Next Jay-Z and Beyonce?

Rihanna may be getting over Chris Brown by boning Kanye West, Jesus Luz puts Madonna in the "friend zone," Mike Tyson's 4 year-old daughter is on life support after accidentally hanging herself with an electric cord, and Brooke Shields expresses regret for not slutting around when she was young.
- Rihanna was photographed leaving the apartment of Kanye West, who just broke up with his girlfriend. No word on whether or not Kanye left Rihanna an all-caps note on the bathroom mirror the next morning. [UK Sun]
- Madonna's alleged young Latin boy-toy, Jesus Luz, claims that she is nothing more than just his good friend. Ouch. [Daily News]
- Mike Tyson's daughter Exodus was playing around on a treadmill in the family home when she became accidentally tangled up in an electric cord attached to the machine. She is now on life support in an Arizona hospital. [Daily News]
- Brooke Shields wishes that she wouldn't have waited so long to get her freak on, having waited until she was 22 before giving up her virginity, largely because of low self-esteem. [US Weekly]
- Kevin Bacon, fresh from getting fleeced by Bernie Madoff, had his Blackberry stolen on the subway over the weekend. [Page Six]
- Kate Moss announced that she wants to be a novelist when her career as a model comes to an end. Should be a pretty easy transition, no? [UK Sun]
- Keifer Sutherland, fresh from an incident where he head-butted a fashion designer in a fit of boozy rage, is back on the bottle again, this time getting sloshed on the Lower East Side, with his daughter no less. [Page Six]
- Mel Gibson's rep confirmed yesterday what we all pretty much already know—-That he'd knocked up one of his Russian mistresses and that his life is a big bag of shit right about now. [People]
- Kylie Minogue is engaged to a 31 year-old Spanish male model [Perez]
- A host of celebrities went out to the Hamptons over the holiday weekend, where they did all of the things that celebrities typically do in the Hamptons—-Party and get naked. [Page Six]