Noted beauty contest loser and porn model Carrie Prejean guest-hosted and Fox & Friends this morning, and she basically dry-humped Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade the whole time. Easy Carrie! Brian and Steve won't get you anywhere. If you want the permanent gig, you're gonna need a loofah.

When Fox News announced earlier this month that Prejean would fill in for noted beauty contest winner Gretchen Carlson, vice president for programming Suzanne Scott said, "We're just using her one time to sit with the boys and have some fun."

We tried to warn Prejean that "sitting with the boys and having some fun" doesn't mean the same thing in the news business that it does in the pornography world she comes from, but she didn't get the message. She kept rubbing all over her co-hosts, and practically had opposite marriage with both of them, at the same time, right there on television.

[Thanks to Gawker video intern Ari Golub for the fine clip.]