Al Gore May Smooch North Korea to Save Jailed Journalists

Current TV journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee went on trial in North Korea yesterday for vague crimes which could land them both in jail for the next decade. Current's keeping its mouth shut. To the rescue: Al Gore, maybe!:
There's no word yet on what happened at the trial yesterday. But Gore has to feel a certain sense of responsibility. He's the chairman of Current, and Current—at least publicly—hasn't done anything for Ling and Lee. It looks bad for him. Hopping a plane to Pyongyang to issue some false "apology" that North Korea could use for internal propaganda purposes might be the smoothest way out of this.
Of course, Gore's role is being totally inferred by the fact that it hasn't been denied, explicitly:
State Department spokesman Ian Kelly did not rule out the possibility of Gore being sent when asked if it would make sense for him to go.
"It's a very, very sensitive issue, I'm not going to go into it," Kelly told reporters. "This is such a sensitive issue, I'm just not going to go into those kinds of discussions that we may or may not have had," he said about whether Gore himself had raised the matter with the State Department
Presumably someone knows something about Gore's discussions on this. It makes sense. You know you're not doing anything else except sitting at home and waiting for football season, Al Gore. You ain't Delta Force, but you'll do.
If you know more details, email us.
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