An exclusive citizen's report from the main drag of Hipster Brooklyn - Bedford Avenue - gives us photographic evidence of a twee takeover of NYC's most gentrified 'hood earlier today: Sesame Street was filming in Williamsburg.

Notes our intrepid reporter:

It was on Bedford between North 4th and North 5th. The Muppet kept asking the little girl about different words, which was ridiculously cute and classically "Sesame." The Williamsburg weekend crowd - mostly outer-borough tourists - stood and watched as they took over one of the busiest pedestrian blocks in Brooklyn, without issue. Except for one older guy who walked practically right behind the shot, and screamed something along the lines of "goddamn filming!" at the little girl and the Muppet/Muppet handler. The Muppet turned to the man, raised his hand, and told him to "Have a nice day too, sir!" Everyone laughed. The skit ended with the little girl hugging the Muppet [pictured], eliciting a series of "aww" from the crowd, and applause thereafter. They then put the Muppet in a bag (somewhat traumatizing) and started shooting the girl talking into the camera.

Rumors that the segment was a preemptive lesson on the consequences of sexual subversion, theft, and deception remain unsubstantiated. Our extensive research has shown that the Muppet in question is, in fact, Murray Monster, who is noted to be "endlessly inquisitive." No word on why they chose Williamsburg (as we all know Fort Greene is the most Sesame Street-esque of Brooklyn neighborhoods in regards to friendliness and diversity), or what's in Murray Monster's personal rider, but we do know this: there are far worse things that could happen to Williamsburg besides a Muppet invasion, which, at this point, would spice up the neighborhood's culture quotient exponentially. Muppet Hugging evidence below:

Related: 10 Awesome Moments From Sesame Street [Jezebel]