The free world has been protesting North Korea's 12-year prison sentence of Current journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee as unjust and outrageous. How embarrassing! Now the women have admitted their vile crimes. According to North Korea's official news agency.

The official Korean Central News Agency said the TV journalists at their trial had admitted criminal acts.

It said they were "prompted by the political motive to isolate and stifle" the North's system "by faking up moving images aimed at falsifying its human rights performance and hurling slanders and calumnies at it."

As if hurling slanders weren't imperialist enough, they had to start tossing calumnies as well! They couldn't do it from afar; they had to sneak into the people's paradise, "for the purpose of making animation files to be used for an anti-DPRK (North Korea) smear campaign over its human rights issue." Animation files, as you know, require espionage. Just as reporting on human rights violations is equivalent to a smear campaign.

Other stories from the Korean Central News Agency today:

  • Japanese Reactionaries Accused of Agitating Reinvasion of Korea
  • Kim Jong Il's Exploits Praised
  • Reason Why He Left Stick in Car

The last is particularly moving.