RadarOnline Fights for Its Right to Baby Freakshows!

New information has emerged on the child labor violations of "fledgling internet site" (ha) RadarOnline. We will cover this story with the same verve with which RadarOnline covers Octomom. Illegal, baby-endangering verve, that is!
The kind of seriously interesting part of this story is that RadarOnline claims that they're a news organization, and the state can't restrict what they cover. But the California Labor Department claims they're just another entertainment company, and must therefore abide by child labor laws and get an "entertainment permit" and an on-site teacher for the kids and everything else. Wouldn't it be interesting if this turned into one of those strange bedfellows-type cases, with all the media coming together to defend RadarOnline's right to cover the most bottom-of-the-barrel "news" imaginable? It could happen!
Instead of dwelling on that, we bring you this new quote from Octo-Grandma:
"The babies have no inkling," she said. And Suleman's older children "think it's fun," she said, adding that sometimes they stick their tongues out at the camera.
America's right to freak shows is guaranteed by the Constitution!