Are Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf Secret Lovers?

Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf might be boning, Whitney Port has a new fake boyfriend, Britney Spears dyed her hair and is sporting a ring, Bradley Cooper put Jennifer Aniston in the friend zone and Leo DiCaprio's shoes got stolen.
- Noooo! Gatecrasher speculates that there may be some sort of romantic thing going on between Transformers co-stars Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf. Even though we're very confused about how we feel about Megan Fox, the thought of her with Shia LaBeouf is simply soul-crushing. [Gatecrasher]
- Todd Phillips, the director of The Hangover and Old School who does the hilariously creepy cameos in his films, is not a big fan of the Writer's Guild of America. [Page Six]
- Jamie Fox implored people at BET Awards parties not to be sad, but to be glad and celebrate Jackson's life by doing shots and getting drunk and going with Jamie to his hotel room. [Gatecrasher]
- So there's been all sorts of rumors flying that Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Aniston are an item, so Cooper quickly put all of that to rest by declaring that Aniston is "just a friend." Poor Jennifer—Why won't anyone love her? [Gatecrasher]
- Ah the perils of being a modelizing international celebrity—Leonardo DiCaprio was touring some temple in Japan where he had to take off his shoes and someone decided to steal them, so poor Leo had to spend the rest of the day in his bare feet. [Page Six]
- Britney Spears has dyed her hair brown for her new agent boyfriend, who may actually be her fiance since she's been sporting a sparkly diamond ring in her finger. [Sun]
- Even though her birthday isn't until July, Lindsay Lohan celebrated with a party in Vegas over the weekend where she changed her outfit 5 times over the course of the day. [Daily Mail]
- Whitney Port is engaged in yet another fake relationship for benefit of her crappy "reality" show, this time with some real estate broker dude named Freddy. [Page Six]
- Liza Minelli's ex-husband David Gest is speaking out about the death of his friend Michael Jackson, but that's not why you should click through this link—The reason you should click through is to see the accompanying picture of an increasingly creepy-looking Gest sporting a new hip-hopy kind of look. [Sun]