Alex Bogusky Is That Ad Guy
Have you ever known any "creative" advertising guys? Alex Bogusky is the epitome of that guy. He is not afraid to grow his hair long and wear a cool t-shirt and fashionable sneakers while sexing up your brand strategy!
Go to any function where advertising "creatives" gather, and you will see that guy: the one wearing some old Converse, or crazy purple-yellow-red-green Adidas he designed himself, online. The average old person would not think such a cool guy could be such a corporate hack, but they would be wrong! We're not here to give you list of facts about Alex Bogusky's career (he's the chairman of Crispin Porter + Bogusky, the supercool ad agency that brought you the weird Burger King ads, Microsoft's current ad campaign, and many others—basically the EDGY agency that's not too edgy for corporate behemoths)—we're just here to demonstrate to you that, yes, Alex Bogusky is that ad guy. Okay:
- "You get a sense of Alex Bogusky's droll perspective when he hands you his business card. It has one rounded corner and reads, '25% safer than most other business cards.'"
- "'Conventional branding tends to piggyback on pop culture,' says Bogusky, 41, whose sneakers and long mane befit the college-dorm ambiance of CP&B's Coconut Grove offices."
- "'He looked like Jesus,' confesses a blushing 27-year-old hipster in gray New Balance sneakers and a zip-up hoodie."

- "Bogusky works on a raised platform in Crispin's 70,000-square-foot space, which once housed an indoor soccer field."
- "As a rule we get off more on the culture jamming aspect of what we do for clients than the actual advertising aspects."
- He wrote a dieting book. God.

Alex Bogusky is that guy. Are you or are you not, Alex? Please confirm. Because you totally are. Put it on your god damn web site.