The news-less summer is saved—the Countess Divorceé trial continues, mercifully! The latest preposterous occurrence: Marie Douglas-David's CEO hubby was not only raped, but also menaced. By his wife's imperious tones!

George David is the former CEO of United Technologies, and he's worth $300 mil. So his wife thought it was only fair that she get $53K per week in their divorce, just to survive. She had to put up with a man who used divorce filings as foreplay, after all. And the guy's such a tightwad he kept the title to her engagement ring in his name!

But she's no great prize either: she once served him with divorce papers during a marriage counseling session; he compared talking to her to talking to a yapping dog; and—according to him—raped him, although he outweighs her by 100 pounds.

So we know George David is not exactly The Fonz. But perhaps you will have more sympathy when you hear what he had to put up with, as the man of the house:

"She spoke in an imperious, demanding, aggressive, assaultive way," complained the bachelor wannabe, United Technologies honcho George David, 67, of his 37-year-old wife, Swedish countess Marie Douglas-David, who these days uses the couple's $39 million Park Avenue penthouse as her temporary castle.

"I was subjected to an imperious, aggressive attack," David said of a 2006 spat at their $425,000-a-year beachfront rental in Sagaponack, LI. "It was tough!" he said of the "ugly experience."

Fascinating how rich men think nothing of trading away every shred of manhood, in public, in order to save a little in divorce payouts. George David, you are the beautiful, fragile vase in this marital China shop.
[NYP. Pic: Getty]