For three years, Twitter made no money. But the microblogging company will supposedly be taking in more than $1 million per month by the end of this year and twenty times that much in 2010. Ah, the miracle of spreadsheets.

TechCrunch has published financial forecasts assembled by Twitter Inc in February and obtained from management's personal files by a computer hacker. They project $400,000 in revenue this quarter, presumably from those adorable "concept definition" ads. Sales were projected to increase tenfold by the fourth quarter, ramping to $62 million by the fourth quarter of next year.

Twitter Inc., which doesn't like people talking about its hacked internal documents, told TechCrunch the numbers are stale and unofficial. But, specifics aside, they leave the unmistakable impression the microblogging service was serious about making money this year. That goal may have been intended only for company backers; now that it has gone public, there will be even more pressure on the company to make its creative approach to advertising pay off over the next five months.

(Top pic: Twitter CEO Evan Williams at Allen & Co.'s Sun Valley media summit July 10, 2009.)