
Ashton Kutcher Explains How America Works

Ryan Tate · 05/24/11 02:44PM

Stand proud, America. People might say we're a nation of self-obsessed simpletons who make no redeeming contributions to the world economy. But Ashton Kutcher knows different. And today, he said so.

Copycat Your Way To Riches (Friends Be Damned)

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 03:30PM

If you want to know how to get rich in tech on the strength of other people's ideas, look no further than Jason Calacanis, the web entrepreneur taking the not-so-delicate art of copycatting to its logical, but increasingly bitter, extreme.

Why Google is on Crack: Slowing Down Costs $900 Million

Ryan Tate · 10/04/10 10:52AM

Google's instant search feature seems targeted at digital crackheads, and that makes perfect sense: It turns out Google users are, in fact, pretty cracky. They punished the company hard for slowing down by just one tenth of one second.

The Slacker Secret To Facebook's Success

Ryan Tate · 09/21/10 03:16PM

Facebook's board somehow distilled a hugely successful strategy from threadbare briefings by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who explains in this video how he would scrawl all the board's Facebook news on a single sheet of yellow paper.

Google's $4 Million Revenge on a Merchant

Ryan Tate · 08/30/10 04:50PM

What happens when a small business owner gets on Google's bad side? In Ryan Abood's case, the answer is, "your business gets crushed and you spend a year and a half in internet Siberia." Do not trifle with The Google.

Prepare for Video and Photos in Your Twitter

Ryan Tate · 07/27/10 05:28PM

Twitter has confirmed a report that it's testing inline video and images, just in case the microblogging service wasn't distracting enough for you already.

Yelp's Sex Bunny Doll

Ryan Tate · 07/26/10 05:47PM

A skanky mannequin has been discovered in the San Francisco headquarters of Yelp. The doll is supposed to represent a Yelp user, but she also makes the perfect mascot for the self-consciously trashy local ratings site itself.

Facebook CEO Admits Growth Has Slowed

Ryan Tate · 06/22/10 01:29PM

Facebook's privacy rollbacks may have pissed off users, but the bottom line has been just fine. That may yet change. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged that the social network's rapid growth has finally slowed.

A Cheap But Painful Date

Ryan Tate · 05/27/10 05:12PM will shave 30 percent off fancy restaurant meals without a tacky coupon—the discount is discretely applied to your bill. But, oh, the hoops you'll have to jump through. It's the online discount club model taken too far.

When an Investor Ruins Your Life

Ryan Tate · 05/27/10 12:37PM

Investors are pouring money into tech "incubators," hoping to kindle the next Foursquare or Twitter. But there's a cautionary tale in the trend for entrepreneurs, such as the guy who sold his stuff and moved across the continent for nothing.

Twitter Bans Ads To Purify Self

Ryan Tate · 05/24/10 05:32PM

From here forward, only Twitter, the company, will be allowed to sell ads posted to Twitter, the microblogging service. Twitter wants to avoid crass commercialism and shilling. Too late, guys.

Apple's Wall is Tumbling Down

Ryan Tate · 04/21/10 10:17AM

Once upon a time, building computers was as solitary an affair as using one, and a smart executive named Steve Jobs exploited this cloistered secrecy for fun and profit. But Apple's hermetic seal has broken, and there's no restoring it.

Yelp Surrenders Payola War, Loses Easiest Shot at Profit

Ryan Tate · 04/06/10 11:44AM

Yelp has surrendered. CEO Jeremy Stoppelman announced his local-reviews site will stop selling merchants the ability to select "favorite reviews," which push negative feedback further down profile pages. So now how will Yelp make money?