Countess divorceé Marie Douglas-David's long ordeal is mercifully drawing to a close. The lovelorn Swede has nearly reached a settlement with her CEO ex-husband, George Davis, the world's biggest pussy. Marie shall be rewarded the bare minimum necessary to survive.

United Technologies Chairman George David will buy his hard- won freedom from his countess wife by tossing her a few extra million bucks — in the $10 million range. That's on top of the $45 million coming to her via their bitterly dis puted 2005 postnuptial agreement, according to sources on both sides of the talks.

Let us tip our hats to the lady for taking significantly less than the $100 million she initially demanded, which would have been only fair recompense for spending a few years with an older rich dude. Pray tell, will her meager sum be sufficient to fulfill her $650 weekly dry cleaning bill, and her $8,000 weekly "travel" bill, not to be confused with her $700 weekly car service bill? We must hope.

Any greedy, predatory younger men looking to soak an older rich woman for millions, now's your chance.
[NYP. Pic via]