Dying Paper Produces Another Muthafuckin 'Puppy Diaries'

Jill Abramson is technically the managing editor of the New York Times for "news," but in response to this wild modern media age, she has been transferred to the "puppies are cute" beat, full time.
Abramson is spending a year writing about having a puppy, which is the type of soothing content that people enjoy in these hectic times (along with porn). Puppy puppy-doo, just how cute are you? The New York Times is here to help you answer that question, valued readers. ***SPOILER ALERT***:
A sick dog is often especially loyal and lovable, and can bring the pack, dog and human, closer together.
This week's tale of dog sickness isn't on the Most Emailed list yet—get to work, slavish "cute" addicts! Click boy, click!
[Related. Pic: Flickr]