Once upon a time Denis Beausejour was a wealthy ad exec at the world's largest advertiser, P&G. But guess what: he was also a major sex addict. Luckily now he has found Jesus and shared his sexy redemption story.

Beausejour was on top of the corporate ad world, but left P&G in 2000 and joined the seminary. Crazy! But all the porn and the strip clubs and the hookers were eating away at his very soul. Here, he describes his defining spiritual moment, at a retreat in the mountains north of Hong Kong:

Every man who spoke had experienced an encounter with Jesus. I had been in church most of my life, but I never heard anyone talk about Jesus from personal experience like these guys. It was like the difference between talking to someone who knows Mel Gibson and someone who has only seen him in a movie.

You can read Beausejour's entire inspirational confessional here, but that 'Mel Gibson' bit is really the best part. Except for when he says "Once we found a strong church, I found a men's group. These guys rubbed off on me."
[via Ad Age/ BNet]