Photographer Zach Hyman keeps NYC wacky—and sexy—by taking pixxx of nude models, in public. Sure, it's all wacky and sexy until the cops show up, and Justin Rocket Silverman has to race the scene.

Hyman went and got one of his nude models arrested yesterday in the Metropolitan Museum (enthralling blurry video of the crime at that link, btw). New York Post vagina beat journalist Justin Rocket Silverman got the explanation from the heroic security guard, who detained the stripping harlot model:

"There were little kids in here watching the whole thing."

Mmm hmm. And riddle us this: When Zach Hyman took nude hipster pixxx it was all fine and dandy, but as soon as he has socialite (we're just saying that because her photos appear on Guest of a Guest) model KC Neill strip at the Met, it's straight to jail. A bit of subculture favoritism? Well Zack Hyman takes nudes of all types of men and women all over, so don't blame him. Pigs.

[Pics: NBC New York, Zach Hyman]