Drudge Fan's iPhone App Helpfully Strips Out Advertising

Oh, look at that: A self-professed fan of blogger Matt Drudge has released iDrudge, an apparently unauthorized iPhone app for reading the Drudge Report. No need to zoom in, like in Mobile Safari. Also: No ads!
One would think author Joseph Nardone might have tried to incorporate some of the Drudge Report's advertising, as a nod to the blogger who made it possible for him to sell this piece of software for 99 cents a pop. But he doesn't; iDrudge merely provides an easy way to access the links Drudge so tirelessly culls from the internet. The notoriously reclusive blogger hasn't responded to an email asking if he plans to fight the app, released just a few days ago.

Whatever Drudge thinks of the app, we're already planning to uninstall, and wait for an app that can be configured to focus exclusively on Drudge's most blatantly gay content.