John Batelle couldn't promote his Web summit, for want of a working website; a Wall Street Journal reporter ogled her own book and Bonnie Fuller undermined Angelina Jolie's body image. The Twitterati took self promotion to new places.

Web advertising maven John Batelle will tell you all about his $4,000 summit on "how the Web is putting the world to work," just as soon as he figures out how to get his website to... to, uh, work. Ahem.

The Wall Street Journal's Julia Angwin stopped into Barnes & Noble and did an ego check on her well written-book about a fast-cooling social network. Please no one show her Ben Mezrich's book display.

Sometime Gawker Media hand Kourosh Karimkhany officially has a point.

Would-be celeb-Web mogul Bonnie Fuller is "worried" about Angelina Jolie's health, if by "worried" you mean "publicly heckling and mocking."

Craigslist customer service rep/founder Craig Newmark had a sad. Go easy on him tomorrow, aggrieved pervy customers!

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.