Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman wants to be California's next Governor. But, alas, she can't seem to find time for the good people of California and will be skipping an an upcoming event in Silicon Valley. Um, really?!

The event in question, a forum being put on by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, will bring all the big gubernatorial candidates, including Gavin Newsom, a conversation on the state's many, many problems and how to fix them. Sadly for those who support the right-wing Whitman, she's going to be too busy at Fortune Magazine's "Most Powerful Women" Summit.

Sure, she helped John McCain last year, he's helping her and she knows how to be a flip-flopping demagogue, but that doesn't mean she's ready for the big leagues. She's already missed at least one event: a debate at the Sacramento Press Club. And she hasn't yet sent her RSVP for an October debate. Her flack insists she will participate in some debates down the line and stressed that she's holding "Meet Meg" events around the state, like one where she spoke at Yahoo's offices.

Good grief, these media mavens mulling public office sure are messy. Yes, we're talking about you, Carly Fiorina.

Although, seriously, if Meg Whitman wants to blend into the state's political scene, she needs to stop trying to separate herself from the pack. People trust politicians who can play the game. And that means playing with others. But, what do we know? We're just computer geeks — a group that has no place in politics whatsoever, right?