The Second Coming of the Spitzer Hooker Scandal

The Eliot Spitzer hooker scandal was—without a doubt—the biggest New York tabloid story of the year last year. Slow news this summer? The New York Post will just bring the Spitzer story back! Based on...what?
Based on the fact that they want to! Yesterday the Post ran an "exclusive" cover story about Spitzer "eyeing a comeback." That's all it takes to reignite the entire news cycle! Today there's a follow-up cover story. And surely many more to come. So what was the breaking news that started the rehashing of this whole tabloid gold story once again? This, basically:
"He's weighing it," said one source.
Followed by denials! It doesn't matter. All that matters is that the Spitzer story is back now, which gives the media the chance to re-explore and update all the angles that have been sitting dormant for months. Today's angle for the Post: Ashley Dupre's mom doesn't think Spitzer should do the thing that the Post's anonymous source says maybe he is thinking about doing, although he says he is not! Which is also a good excuse for the paper to dig out those sexxxy bikini shots of Ashley and her surprisingly fit mother. Endless updates on Ashley Dupre's post-prostitution career, complete with more sexxxy photos, TK!

Need to bring back a story that's just too sweet to let go of? It's easy.
1. Dig up and/ or fabricate a single speculative new piece of information about the story's protagonist. Anything will do.
2. Pad this piece of information out with reaction quotes until it reaches full story length. Splash it across your cover. Be sure to choose a good photo! The story itself doesn't matter. All that matters is that people will see the new headline and be reminded of that sweet, sweet scandal.
3. Commence to re-interview all the tertiary players in the original story. Write new stories about their new reactions to the "new" information. This can also lead to feature pieces about "Where are they now?" Use lots of photos!
4. Continue as long as the public's interest holds out.
Eliot Spitzer can look forward to a lot more time spent shooting the shit with cameramen outside his apartment.