It's as if all the fans of the show shined a spotlight with a MP logo into the sky and now our blond super-heroine has swooped in for the rescue. Yes, Amanda Woodward is moving back in!

The deal was just announced and Locklear will make her first appearance at her old address on November 17. No word on how much money she got (probably lots) or how many episodes she's doing (hopefully lots) or if she'll still be billed as "Special Guest Star" (if she's not then we will bitch, lots).

Locklear famously joined the staid Melrose Place late into its first season and her conniving advertising executive character brought all the slutty campy backstabbing craziness that made the show famous. Of course, the bland tales of twentysomething trying to make it were traded for boardroom romps, fights in the pool, and pulling off wigs. It was a trade that brought ratings success and the most ludicrously brilliant television drama since Dynasty, which Locklear also starred in.

The new series has been struggling both with viewers and critics (though it's growing on me) but Locklear's return is sure to be a boon. We'll see if they can turn the spike they're sure to get from her first appearance into higher numbers week to week.

In celebration, here is, perhaps, her most Melrose moment:

[Image via Getty]