Arianna Huffington Had Michael Moore Over For Lasagna!

Did Arianna Huffington love Michael Moore's new movie so much, and also she knows Michael Moore personally, and had Michael Moore over to her house to talk about his movie and eat lasagna? Click through to find out!
After a preview screening last week (at which I did a Q&A session with Michael), he came over to my home for a late night bite. Over lasagna, he told me about an incident that occurred while he was filming that exemplifies how the economic crisis cannot be looked at through a left vs right prism.
That incident: When Michael Moore realized that Arianna Huffington has been a fervent Republican and a fervent Democrat, yet she's still incredibly wealthy.

Kidding! It was just some more boring rote blowjobby talking point tripe from Arianna, as always. The real scandal is this whole "I had Michael Moore over to my house for lasagna" bit.
1. Arianna Huffington eats lasagna? And/ or cooks it? Highly doubtful.
2. Were her interns also invited to eat lasagna?
3. Michael Moore wasn't even a tiny bit embarrassed that Arianna Huffington—knowing she would be meeting him that day—made sure to have her kitchen stocked with lasagna? Who's to say he doesn't like carrot juice? He's a man, not Garfield. Come on, dude. Still, he took the lasagna.
[Pic: AP]