Did Your Email Get Hacked? Maybe.

The bad news is that 30,000 Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, and other email accounts have had all their login info posted online, by hackers. The good news is, it's their own dumb fault.
Yesterday news came that 10,000 Hotmail accounts had been compromised, but all of you internet snobs were like, "Hotmail? Haha, (some sort of internet snob joke about varieties of email, and which are cool and which are not)."
Well now your precious Gmail has also been compromised, the BBC reports. But, sayeth Google:
The firm stressed that the scam was "not a breach of Gmail security" but rather "a scam to get users to give away their personal information to hackers".
Stop being so dumb and you won't get "compromised," like that! Same advice dads have been giving to their daughters for years.
[Want more expert insight on this issue? Sorry, Ryan Tate's not awake yet.]