The trial of Brooke Astor's son, who was charged with defrauding her because he's a greedy old prick: that was still going on, this whole time! Until now, because the verdict's in.

After a case that has featured five months of testimony from celebrities and the occasional crazy knife lady, Anthony Marshall, the 85 year-old son of famous high society lady Brooke Astor, has been found guilty of swindling her out of lots of money as she grew old and incapacitated with dementia. What a jerk.

Mr. Marshall was found guilty of one of two first-degree grand larceny charges, the most serious he faced. Jurors convicted him of giving himself an unauthorized raise of about $1 million for managing his mother's finances.

He could be sentenced to anywhere from one to 25 years in jail. Thank god this trial is finally over because it went on since April. Justice served cold.
[Pic: AP]