Was Gourmet's Death the Magazine Bottom?
In your finally Friday media column: a sunny theory about Conde Nast, Katie Couric's words of wisdom, George Will learns exactly where to go, and the AP's crazy scheme, for money.

Econometric expert Daniel Gross speculates that Conde Nast's closing of Gourmet may mark the bottom—the trough, if you will—of the bad times for the magazine industry. It's an interesting piece. But I'd put my money on "when the last remaining print magazine company is bought by Google for a piddling sum, as a plaything." I'm no economist though!

Katie Couric's advice to college students: "Don't let the turkeys get you down." You just can't hear that one enough.

Turns out that Russians love George Will. Good. We hate him.

The AP is considering charging subscribers to receive their news exclusively about a half hour before all the non-paying bloodsuckers get it. Which is a pretty creative idea! But, possible scenario: Someone subscribes to the exclusive early feed; then they post those stories immediately on their website; then people read them there, for free. It's crazy, but it just might happen.