Ex-Beauty Queen's Breast Implants Lead to Lawsuit

Carrie Prejean and her breasts are headed to court. The ex-beauty queen turned anti-gay activist is being sued by the organizers of the Miss California USA pageant who say they paid for her boob job.
K2 Productions is suing Prejean for, among other things, the cost of a $5,200 loan they gave her for breast surgery to help her "be more competitive" at the April 2009 Miss USA Pageant. Prejean went on to lose the pageant after responding to a judge's question about same-sex marriage by saying the she believes "marriage should be between a man and a woman" because "that's how I was raised." Prejean's strict uprbringing and conservative convictions may prevent her from accepting the gays, but they apparently didn't stop her from posing for topless photos. Those pictures appeared on the internet in May and, one month later, Prejean was stripped of the Miss California crown for unspecified contract violations. Since then, Prejean and the pageant organizers have been battling it out in court.
In August, Prejean filed a lawsuit against K2 Productions alleging that the company discriminated against her because of her religious beliefs. Prejean's suit alleges that K2 gave her "instructions not to reference God in her Miss USA applications," which seems odd since her page on the official Miss California USA web site includes the bible verse "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." K2's countersuit, which was filed yesterday, states that, in addition to not paying for her implants, Prejean missed events, lied about the semi-nude photos, landed an unauthorized book deal, and used her title to support the National Organization for Marriage's "campaign of intolerance" against gay marriage. K2 wants Prejean to fork over the money from her boob job and the proceeds from her upcoming book.
K2 Productions can't really do anything to hurt Carrie Prejean. They may get the money, but by suing her, they're just helping her cultivate the religious martyr status that's landing her speaking gigs at right wing events and morning show appearances on Fox News.