Greta Van Susteren is probably the least watched anchor on Fox News because she's boring and unattractive, but I'll give her this: She has balls. I think I'm being metaphorical when I say that, but none can be too sure.

Fox News has bored us all week with the proclamation that the White House is having a war with them, and it wasn't until tonight that I started listening. I knew Glenn Beck was reenacting Network, Bill O'Reilly frightened us before we saw that Inside Edition clip where suddenly his strong language made us laugh more than cringe, but now it's time to start worrying.

Van Susteren has ventured into the performance hall of the enemy, and probably gotten more love and respect than she's gotten since she used to hang around the Connecticut dive bars armed only with her fake ID back in the late nineteen-seventies. Be warned America, you heard it here first: Our freedom may now truly be at risk.

Image via APimages