Andrea Peyser Turns Her Sexy Gaze to Hating Gay Sex

NY Post sexxxy columnist Andrea Peyser takes to her page of hate today to tell everyone to stop hating gay-hating cabbie Maedhat Mohamed. But wait? Wasn't it her own paper that told us to hate him in the first place?
The story of Medhat Mohamed is one of those scandals that the Post created by its own will power. Mohamed booted a gay couple from his cab for making out in the back seat. He says that he was afraid they were going to cause him to get in an accident. The couple says they were merely hugging, but Mohamed says they were about to have full-on sex. The truth is somewhere in between.
The Post hopped on this "scandal" and, next thing you know, the mayor is saying he's a "disgrace", he lost his job, and he might have his taxi license revoked. Peyser asks:
How did a hardworking immigrant who toiled on the night shift, giving rides to all kinds of people — including some who are abusive or intolerant of him — become Public Enemy No. 1?
Um, maybe because your newspaper made him out to be in the first place!
As for Mohamed's continued claims that he would have kicked out a straight couple for the same offense, we continue to find that hard to believe. Heterosexuals are always to engage in all sorts of PDA and the worst thing that happens is someone chides, "Get a room." In some parts of the city (and the country, and certainly the world) a gay couple even just holding hands can get them kicked out of cab, beat up, or killed—and that is nothing like the drunken maulings that men routinely give women outside of straight bars after last call.
Peyser, however, hates all sex equally, so we believe she would think that any couple clutching in a cab would be equally catastrophic. You can certainly call her a prude, but you can't call her a homophobe.