Hamilton Nolan has taken frequent aim at 'pansexual' self-promoter and editor Neal Boulton's public antics, usually with a disclosure that Genre magazine never paid him $250 for a story Boulton assigned. Today, they bury that hatchet. A letter from Boulton:

Dear Gawker,

I am writing to you today as politely as I can to ask if you would consider possibly assigning someone new to cover my banal life? The fact is that Mr. Nolan is terribly biased. And his disclaimer at the end of his item about me was not enough.

I am afraid that when I see him on the outside world I will have to approach him to see why he feels I am so abhorrent. I am happy to be lampooned, but he goes too far with "God Damn..."

The fact is (and has always been) that Page Six and Keith Kelly have phoned ME, and in this case about a serious ethical journalistic violation that I did not commit, so I told him the truth about who did and why I quit. I have never denied a thing to your online journalists as a strategy to not get caught down the road (my being with men, my wife's past and mine, my drug and alcohol struggles which were hard might I add to overcome). However your author continues to exercise his grudge about an unpaid bill to skewer me. I can take it, but it's become a bore.

Darling, I have never put on moral airs, I've been about as moral as Mick Jagger. But I am not
A "God Damned" person because with your authors, I have played quite fair and taken my lumps.

Yes I entered a rehab, struggled with addiction, and was open about ALL of my errs BEFORE the understandably snarky young blog journalist found out on their own.

I am boring, and meaningless, and frankly useless—except where my own journalistic pursuits are concerned, my wife, the cute blond boys I ever so often "entertain," and my children.

In Mr. Hamilton's case, yes, I asked him to author a story for Genre and had every intention of paying him, but along with ME not getting paid by David Unger, neither was he.

It was not in my control.


Hamilton responds: "For the sake of my own serenity, I'm happy to stop complaining about the fact that Neal Boulton is the only editor who's ever ripped me off. I agree with Neal that there are many other, worthier reasons to complain about him."

And now back to our regular mocking coverage of Neal Boulton.