Today at Gawker.TV, we inspect Michael Bay's 360-degree "hero shot," the remaining members of The Jackson Five do reality TV, Million Dollar Listing finale, Gilly gets her own SNL Christmas special, and we take a look at the frequent-flyer obsessed.

Michael Bay's Egregious Overuse of the "360 Degree Hero Shot"
If you're planning on making a Michael Bay Film, please be sure to include the following: explosions, even more explosions, and the "360 Hero" shot.

A Sneak Peek at A&E's The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty
We are in awe that this show is actually airing. Filmed before the late Michael's death, A Family Dynasty follows around the least fab four of The Jackson Five and airs the family's dirty laundry.

The Frequent Flyer Obsessed Put Other Obsessives to Shame
Think of any hobby and someone is probably obsessed with it. For documentaries, the more esoteric, the more intriguing. Well there is a bloc of people obsessed with accumulating frequent flyer miles. And it makes for a mesmerizing documentary short.

Million Dollar Listing's Epic Throwdown Was a Big Letdown
Bravo producers attempted to get a big blow up for the finale of Million Dollar Listing last night. All they ended up with was two silly manboys in construction hats verbally sparring about puppies.

NBC Announces A Very Gilly Christmas Special
Sorry! SNL has decided to feature Kristen Wiig's break-out character Gilly for a Christmas special airing December 17th. The show will feature new Gilly sketches as well as some of their best holiday clips from over the years.